Considering all these things, Meri ITI Team has started Daily Pratice Series,. This will improve all mistakes & improve your exam preparation strategy.. In this You will be given topic wise questions on daily basis. You will be provided video solutions & discussions, which can benefit you in multiple ways as follows
- You don't need to be active on Telegram Groups all the time, You can save your time & utilise it for more focussed study
- You can preplan your studies because you will be getting topic wise questions
- If you are unable to solve questions on daily basis, You can solve all older questions from website. You can revise them too when your exams are approaching to you.
- You will have video discussions through yourtube and clear yoUr doubts.
- This has been planned so that you go through all questions once a week on rotational basis
- We have tried to cover a lot of resources , so that You can prepare for all exams together